Thursday, February 11, 2016

Little Miss "Look At Me, Look At Me!"

I am a music lover (follow me on Spotify! I promise it's ridiculous and awesome). I am a fan of naps, enchiladas, and coffee. I love to work with yarn--knit and crochet, and I snort when I laugh. I like watching videos of cats falling off of shit, and any show with Gordon Ramsay (my #1 chef crush). I cuss too much, and I'm lucky to have a kid that doesn't repeat it too often, although he claims that "dang" is a bad word, but "damn" is okay. Somehow he got that backwards...

I turn 32 this year, and I'm just now wrapping my brain around being a girl. Curling irons completely baffled me until about a month ago. It's getting easier. A week or so ago, I learned how to curl my hair with my flat iron--who knew that shit could work? Makeup isn't a new thing, but it had been a really long time since I wore it regularly. Before quitting my job, I worked a shift that started at 7am. And there's no way I could pull off hair and makeup and clothes and be on time for 7am without waking up at like 5:30 and that just wasn't an acceptable option. Paired with a really casual dress code, most days were makeup free and a messy bun.

So lately I've been shopping in my own closet (and also my husband's closet--thanks for not bitching when you came home to me wearing your favorite button-up!) and pairing things together to recreate outfits from Pinterest. Some recent wins:

I spent a wonderful evening recently sitting on the couch at a friend's house, talking and shooting tequila until WAY too late for two moms to be awake and drinking on a school night. But it was exactly what I needed. (Thanks for that, BTW!)
Recently in Mommy World:
The kid got in trouble at school. So he came home and got punished--had his toys taken out of his room, as well as his TV.
Punishing your child in this way is also a punishment for the parent that has to stay home with the kid who doesn't have toys to play with, or a TV to watch. I've spent the majority of that week with a small child as far up my ass as he could possibly cram himself.
But the things we didn't remove from his room--his stuffed animals, his books and puzzles--he's been actually playing with them! Imagination running wild with the stuffies! Bringing me books to read until I can't answer another "Why, momma?" about the characters, and I ask him to read me the story instead. We already knew he was fast as hell at doing puzzles. We won't be sending all of his stuff back to his room--we've needed to do a toy purge since before Christmas as it is, and he seriously DOES NOT need that amount of stuff.
He helped me clean his room, throwing away trash and random toy pieces that he didn't want anymore, then he use the swiffer to help me clean the floors.
I'm hopeful that his behavior at school will straighten out so he can earn his stuff back--because right now it's taking up all the space in my craft room and I don't have anywhere to hide. Oh. And I also want him to be a success human being. Also that.
Currently Listening: Delilah by Florence and the Machine.

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