Wednesday, January 13, 2016

See you at the crossroads...

Rest in Peace, dear friend.
You and I have so many good memories. That time we got you and your family as a gift at our wedding shower. That time I drank wine from you. That other time I drank wine from you. That time you sat on the side of the sink for a month because I kept forgetting to hand wash you. The glorious day when I discovered those weird little post things that clip in to the dishwasher and hold wine glasses and I finally gave up on hand washing wine glasses.
I'm sorry it was my selfish need to de-clutter your home of those stupid Target One Spot divided kid's plates that contributed to your demise. I'll pour one out in remembrance of you, homie.
In Memoriam
Wine Glass
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pictured: You and my $6.78-est bottle of wine.

 Wise Thought Of The Day:

"Wiping your own booty is always an option."

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